They always say that medical interview is an art. Well here's a thought..
Medical jargons are one of the things that we health-care providers must avoid while talking to our patients. They (our teachers) say that in order to get what the patients are really complaining about, we need to "stood down to their level".
All this time I have agreed to the above statement. I've been thinking about it these couple of days after hearing some of the "traditional jargons" of complaints that I knew nothing about. I know this might sound cocky, but don't you think it is the patients that should "stand up to our level"?
Hold your thoughts, I know you might be thinking that I'm such a prick, but take a minute and try to see it my way. While we keep "standing down to their level", doesn't that mean we're leaving them uneducated? What if every doctors take an extra minute in every medical interview to explain what their symptoms are called in the medical jargons? I believe the society would be (at least) a little bit smarter.
I keep saying that this country is not going so well in all fields because the people are dumb. Even more so, because we're doing practically nothing about it..
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