March 9, 2012

A Letter to Atheists

How does it feel?
Living this life without a God?
How does it feel?
Clinging on to your own self at all times?
How does it feel?
Not having anyone to hear your complains?

Your argument is "If there's a God, why is the world in such a bad place?"
Note that all your questions begin with ifs and what ifs.
I AM SICK OF YOUR IFS AND WHATIFS! I can easily reply "How do you know the world wouldn't be in worse condition if there's no God?"
But in your last offense/defense, you'll say "Believe what you want, I'll believe mine."

Here's one thought for a change:
If there's no God and no heaven or hell, you can laugh at me in the afterlife all you want, and I'd still be going wherever you're going.
But, what if there IS, in fact, God, and heaven and hell, you WON'T be going wherever I'm going.

The way I see it: you don't lose anything by believing in God. You'll win both ways.

- A Believer

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